april showers
April showers bring lots and lots of worms on the driveway. Luckily the worm crusaders are here to save their lives.
April showers bring lots and lots of worms on the driveway. Luckily the worm crusaders are here to save their lives.
We enjoyed a couple very warm days in the last week. We spent the weekend getting some barn and bus projects done. On Monday Olivia and I went to a couple parks. At the bus stop on Monday morning Emma was bummed we didn't ride bikes to school.
It was nice to have some normal Easter events this year. Our city had to cancel their spring egg hunt last year. But it was back this year!.... and it was the first year that there wasn't snow on the ground. Olivia was ready to go in her
Our city's art council hosts an art show every year at the city library. Each local school picks a couple kids from each grade to have their art work on display. Right now it is Emma's school... and her art teacher picked one of Emma'
Thursday's fun activity... a restaurant! It has been over a year since we've eaten in a restaurant. It was time....
Wednesday's fun activity.... indoor playground time. At bedtime they got a bubble bath in the huge tub.
Tuesday's fun activity.... a movie at the movie theater! We saw Raya and The Last Dragon. Even Emma who isn't a huge fan of movies loved it. I didn't realize how much I missed movie popcorn. The three of us easily finished off a
Monday's fun activity was manicures and pedicures. Olivia had never been to get her nails done, and she loved every minute of it. After our nails we stopped for ice cream at Dairy Queen. Emma got a $5 gift card from her teacher for getting a blackout on
We went back and forth for months on what to do for spring break this year. Should we go to Florida? Should we go to Texas? Should we go to the Bahamas? Should we take the bus somewhere? In the end... we decided to stay home. I've planned