And just like that my phone is full of adorable kitten photos... Gus reminded me of Ethel this morning. She always loved to sleep with her head hanging over the side of the tv receiver. I have no idea how that is comfortable.
Months ago I signed up with an animal rescue for us to be cat fosters. I requested a couple kittens between then and now, but for one reason or another it didn't work out. Today we finally picked up our foster kittens! Meet Lily, Rosie, Gus and Sylvester.
This is the first 4th of July in 4 years that we didn't celebrate with a pig roast. We had so many fireworks left over from the last couple years that I didn't even need to buy any. We found out last night that Olivia really
We had a visit from the tooth fairy last night! This tooth has been loose for months. I thought for sure Emma would have lost it before school ended at the beginning of June, but it hung on until yesterday.
One of my favorite summer traditions.... I think its hilarious how much Olivia still loves these things. She can't pass by one without sticking her face in and asking for a picture. An extra bonus to this strawberry place... the petting zoo. Another bonus... ICE CREAM when you&
We discovered this state park in Wisconsin last year... and its become one of our favorite places to camp. Last year the dam was under construction so the lake was empty. Not this year... One of our butterflies hatched. We ended up letting it go at the campground because it
We hit the road early on Monday morning... before the girls were even awake. In just a couple hours we were back in Minnesota. The girls wasted no time getting their suits on and heading to our pool. We're supposed to go camping with some friends this weekend,
We don't stop for fast food too often because we need a huge parking lot to pull the bus in. When there are 3 campgrounds and 2 RV stores next to the McDonald's they have RV parking, so we stopped for breakfast before getting on the
I've never been to Nashville before, so I didn't realize how awesome it is. I think it will be where we roadtrip to and spend some time next year. Places I want to see... The Country Music Hall of Fame, Johnny Cash Museum and this cool