I've always wanted to do this... As with most things this could go one of two ways... (1) someone is going to get hurt almost immediately, ending all the fun I imagined there would be, or (2) this is going to provide hours and hours of fun with
around the house
Lily and Sylvester were adopted together and are off to their new home. They are going to live with a single older guy. I'm wondering how much they are going to miss this. Olivia loved these two... and made sure to show them just how much every chance
Today we sent Rosemary (aka Rosie) off to her new home. She has always been the shiest of the 4. I thought for sure she would be the last one adopted, but she ended up being the first. She's off to live with a graduate student and will
This week all our kittens are going to their new homes. First to leave us was Gus Gus. I loved this big boy. If I was going to keep one... he would have been it. He's off to live with 4 college dudes. He loved laying in short
Happy Halloween from a princess and supergirl!
Every year Emma's school does a reading fundraiser. One day during the fundraiser all the teachers and students celebrate with book character day. Last year Emma was Pete the Cat. This year she wanted to go as Coyote Peterson. Nailed it!
We made it home just in time for a blizzard. 7"+ fell on Tuesday. On Thursday we had freezing rain and the weirdest color sky I've ever seen. Olivia said it looked dirty. She wasn't wrong. I don't know who is happier to