There is so much to do on the north shore, which made deciding what to do a little difficult for our short weekend of camping. I really wanted to visit Tettegouche State Park that was 4 miles away from our campground. It is supposed to be amazing and it'
Right outside our campground is an adventure ropes park. Not my thing. But Emma saw it and wanted to try it. I must say... I am pretty impressed. The whole system was pretty sophisticated and Emma figured it out quickly. All I can imagine is falling to my death. Clearly
Another weekend... another camping trip to a new campground. This time we headed 4 hours from home, past Duluth, up to the north shore. We stumbled upon this campground last year when we visited Black Beach. It was still being built and just opened this summer. The best part...? It
Wednesday's activities included another kid favorite... wet n wild day! Technically you have to be 6 to participate... so we might have fibbed a little to get Olivia in. Olivia was scared to try the slip n slide. I finally convinced her to give it one try. Of
The last week of July our city does a week long festival called Leprechaun Days. Obviously last year it was cancelled... but this year it is on! Today was one of the girls favorite events - the Blarney Stone hunt. Kids run around the soccer field collecting plastic coins and
Braden's new hobby... beekeeping. Emma has really taken a liking to helping with the bees. We can't really take too much honey yet because the bees will need it to survive the winter. But this week Braden brough home a frame so we could try it
Olivia didn't do horse camp, but that didn't stop her from having some fun at the barn during drop off and pick up. While Emma was at camp we had some fun of our own... shopping, a movie, flower picking and a play date with one
I've been trying to get Emma into this horse camp for 2 years. Finally it happened. Just look at that smile! It was a fun, exhausting week of riding, crafts, activities and friends. She learned a lot, rode a lot and had an amazing time with a bunch
What a fun weekend! We made new friends, had tons of fun and ate lots of s'mores. Apparently I got a lot of pictures of Olivia and only a few of Emma. 🤷🏼♀️ I've never been a fan of s'mores... but I can eat a