I knew that there was freezing rain forecast last night. What I didn't know was that I would get a text at 5:00 AM saying school was delayed 2 hours followed by a text at 7:00 AM saying school was cancelled. After the school district invested
We've been spending a lot of time at home with Emma not feeling well. Now that she's feeling better (not 100% yet... but way better than she was) I was itching to get out of the house this weekend. On Saturday we ended up at REI.
We got a lot of snow yesterday, but at least it was warm enough for us to get outside and enjoy it... and by warm I mean over 30 degrees! It was perfect sledding weather. Our neighbor friends have the neighborhood sledding hill in their backyard, so we headed over
The girls were finally back to school on Tuesday! Emma ended up coming home early because she threw up a school. Good times. I've researched everything from acid reflux to thyroid issues to celiacs disease trying to figure out what could be going on with her. We were
Clean up day. It was time for Olivia's birthday decorations to come down. They were winter themed and she begged to keep them up until the New Years party, but after almost a month of being up it was time. Christmas decorations also came down.
Happy New Year! The girls made it waaaaay past midnight. 3:30 AM to be exact. This is what you look like the day after (or I guess technically the same day)... same clothes, messy hair.
New Years Eve! Last year we had two other families over to ring in 2022. The girls had the best time staying up until 2 AM, so they've been begging for us to do it again. We made arrangements with our friends a month ago, but with the
I can't remember the last time Emma took a nap. She's taken at least one a day since the day after Christmas. Since we're still just hanging around the house I decided today was the day to take the lint catcher off the dryer.
We've been taking it easy, but really needed to get out of the house. No one had any stomach issues for over 24 hours, so we thought the grocery store would be a safe outing. Turns out we weren't in the clear yet. Emma ended up