yes day

After dealing with some strange allergic reactions for a couple weeks we decided it was time for a trip back to Minnesota for some doctor appointments. Just Olivia and I made the trip while Emma and Braden stayed on the boat.

The Bahamas is so pretty.

We had a week filled with appointments, tests, medicine purchases and some answers.

This girl who was born and raised in Minnesota is all of a sudden having allergic reactions to cold... and we discovered it in the Bahamas of all places. Why? We don't really know. Will it go away? We also don't really know. In the meantime we have a treatment plan and we'll go from there. It's been a doozy.

Olivia hates needles. Ever since she was little I have had to hold her down for shots, so she was not happy when I told her I wanted her to get some blood work done to rule out anything serious. I wasn't sure if any of the doctors would do blood work, but I made her a deal that if she had to get blood drawn that she could have a yes day. Here we are...

Not pictured: hibachi steak dinner delivered to the house, candy after dinner and staying up until 1 AM
Honestly I thought there would be a lot more to the yes day. I made lots of suggestions, but this was all she wanted.
Braden and I had gone back and forth for weeks trying to decide if someone should come back with Olivia. There are always things to take care of with the house and our business, but I was really trying to avoid it. Turns out it was a good thing I did because our furnace decided to quit. Of course it waited until Friday and 2 days before we're leaving and the night before a snowstorm to stop working. Put it on my tab.

Today it snowed. Tomorrow we fly back to the Bahamas. Next week it is going to be in the teens or below almost the entire week. Our trip back to the boat couldn't come at a better time...