what a week

I don't think I've ever posted about it... but last year we bought a small business selling RV parts. The company was started 40ish years ago by a guy who owned a Blue Bird (like ours), so it has always had very loyal Blue Bird owner following.

Every October there is a rally of 100+ Blue Bird owners in Georgia. We had only owned the business about a month when we went last year... and quickly found out we were not very prepared for a rally that size. This year we were way more prepared...

We headed out excited to start our two day drive to Kentucky. We planned to spend two days in Louisville and tour some bourbon distilleries before heading down to Georgia.

We made it to Wisconsin. We've had the bus for six years and never broken down before... so I guess it was time. We were able to get it to a campground while we tried to figure out if we could fix the problem and keep going, or if we were going to have to leave the bus and take the Jeep back home.

Armed with some new tools, Braden got to work under the bus the next morning.

Our problem was fixed and we were back on the road that afternoon. We made it to a rest stop (still in Wisconsin) with a new problem.

Luckily we have roadside service and they were able to get us back on the road... again, but we ended up spending the night at the rest stop (can you tell?).

We finally made it to Louisville! We were a day late, but we made it.

We had to miss two distillery tours that we had scheduled, but were able to make the rest.

We didn't think it would happen, but we made it to Georgia!

We spent a couple days meeting people, selling things and making a plan for getting home. One of the big sponsors of this rally is a company in Georgia that does a lot of work on Blue Birds. They are also customers of ours, so we worked out a deal to drop our bus off at their shop when the rally was over.

We hopped in the Jeep and headed towards home.

With all the bus problems we were pretty glad we left the kids at home with Braden's mom (thanks Nana!). This was our first ever trip without kids in 8 years. It was not exactly the trip we planned... but we have some good stories to tell.