throwback thursday (august 24 2022)

Way back in 2012 (before kids) Braden and I made it down to Staniel Cay on our previous sailboat. Staniel Cay is a cool place with a lot to see - sharks, swimming pigs, and Thunderball Grotto (made famous by the James Bond Thuderball movie in 1965). Not much has
Black Point has a few things that we were looking forward to - (1) coconut bread and (2) an amazing laundromat. We had hoped to stay at least a few days so we could get some delicious bread and get some laundry done... but unfortunately the weather had other plans.
I research each island we might stop at and make a list of places to eat, interesting things to see and unique shops to visit. Little Farmer's Cay doesn't have a whole lot to do or see, but I did find JR's woodcarving shop
Our next stop was Rudder Cut Cay. There were a couple things we wanted to see here, and we managed to get them all done in one day. First - the cave. It isn't a huge cave, but it was cool to pull our dinghy up on the