
We got a lot of snow yesterday, but at least it was warm enough for us to get outside and enjoy it... and by warm I mean over 30 degrees! It was perfect sledding weather. Our neighbor friends have the neighborhood sledding hill in their backyard, so we headed over there in the afternoon for some sledding.

I was pretty surprised by Olivia. Last year she refused to sled. Yesterday she sled for 2 hours and I had to drag her out of there.

Even Braden had some fun.

Emma still wasn't feeling well and said she didn't want to sled, but she needed to get out of the house so I dragged her with us. We went to the doctor today and he figured out right away what was going on with her. We have a plan and by tonight she was already feeling better and looking forward to going to school tomorrow!

You can't have sledding without hot chocolate! I brought a thermos with us to share with the girls friends.

When Olivia and I got home the cinnamon roll bread was ready. She was pretty proud of it and it was delicious.