sand dollar day

The forecast all week said it would rain all day Thursday. I was a little bummed since it would be our last day at the beach before heading back to Minnesota. The sky got dark for a little while, but it didn't rain until way after dark!

My family used to vacation here when we were kids. One year my brother and I found tons of sand dollars out on the sandbar. On Wednesday we swam out to the sandbar in front of our condo to see if we could find any. The water was about waist high and you had to dive down to see anything. Emma lasted about 2 minutes and spent the rest of the time playing on the beach. This is what we found.

While we were exploring on Thursday Braden found a path out to a different part of the beach. While we were walking the beach I heard a lady tell her kids to look for sand dollars! We headed back later in the afternoon to see if we could find any. This time the water at the sand bar was knee high. Emma was having the best time finding handfuls of sand dollars. She even found the biggest one! Between 3 adults and 2 kids we found almost 200 sand dollars.

Our last sunset in Florida....