san juan

For the last I don't know how many years we've taken our bus to Duluth, MN with our friends for Memorial Day weekend. This year we changed it up and took a ferry from our boat in Culebra to mainland Puerto Rico with some friends and spent the weekend in San Juan.

The girls kept saying we were on vacation because the airbnb place we stayed had ice cold air conditioning (something we do not have on the boat). It's been a while since they could get all bundled up in blankets to sleep.

The fort is a must see in San Juan. The kids (and adults) spent hours exploring the six levels. Fun fact for Austin - construction of the fort began in 1539 and ended in 1790 (250+ years!).

After the fort we walked through Old San Juan, had lunch and stumbled upon the Parque de las Palomas (Pigeon Park).

I don't mind birds, but pigeons just seem gross. The girls didn't mind at all and could have spent the whole afternoon there holding the pigeons.

We had a fun weekend "on vacation" exploring, shopping, eating and enjoying cold AC. After a ferry ride back to Culebra we were back on the boat and back to keeping cool our way.