princess crowns

Olivia had some teeth that didn't develop enamel. This led to her having a tooth pulled in August, and needing 2 crowns, a spacer and a couple fillings. We tried to get her first crown at the dentist office... but that didn't go well and we left that appointment without a crown. Our only other option was to schedule a visit to the OR to have her put under general anesthesia to get all the dental work done.
This was a long process that started before Christmas with a visit to her pediatrician for a pre-op check up.

Three days before her appointment she had to get a covid test (which was negative).

Finally it was the day.

Braden and I both planned to take her, but I found out a few days before that the children's hospital was only allowing 1 parent. We let Olivia choose... and she chose Braden.

This children's hospital is really amazing.

Olivia was a champ. She did great. She was rewarded afterward with ice cream AND a popsicle at the hospital. I was really hoping for a hilarious after surgery video. Instead (as you can probably tell from her face) she was just angry.

Olivia hadn't eaten anything since the night before and was supposed to have lots of fluids when she got home. Emma and I made a last minute grocery store run and stocked up on the essentials.

Emma wanted to get her some flowers and picked out some toys for her.

A couple hours after getting home and this girl was all smiles.

She was even happier this morning when she got to cross off yesterday on her calendar.

She was back to school today and she said she was showing everyone her new, shiny teeth.