Happy Earth Day! Emma had a couple Earth Day related assignments. One of them was a scavenger hunt in the yard. While she was at it she cleaned up some trash in the backyard. Some exciting news at our house....! Emma lost her first tooth. She's wanted to
Lots of writing going on today. Emma's teacher told her that at their house their family takes turn making dinner each night. Emma thought that was a great idea and wanted to do that at our house. Of course Emma picked herself to go first. I think the
This week we got our cup of caterpillars. 1st graders started learning about insects, so I also ordered ladybugs and ants. One of Emma's assignments today was to make a size comparison between an insect and an item around the house. She used our caterpillars and a Barbie
A little 4 wheel riding, a little tractor driving and a little joy ride in the bus.
The first thing Emma said when she woke up this morning... "can I go ride the 4 wheeler?" This was her pretty much all day. Olivia even took a couple laps today. Yesterday she wasn't interested at all.
It's Friday! Emma didn't have too many assignments today. She got them done quick and we headed out to the barn to ride some 4 wheelers. This is all Emma did for hours. Braden drove around on our new tractor.
For art today Emma had to build a paper city. She called this one "Bridge City". Olivia had another meeting with her class. This week was a camping theme. All the kids had to find something around the house that they would take camping. Olivia chose a marshmallow.
Today was a rough one. We powered through it, but it wasn't easy. Last night Emma completed reading her 300th book. Over the last couple weeks 1st graders learned about 6 different penguins. This week they had to pick one of the penguins they learned about and build
We started the morning with rainbow waffles. I think the girls are just really interested in the whipped cream and sprinkles rather than the actual waffles. Emma's math assignment today was to find 3D shapes around the house. This one kept her busy for a long time. We
Another Monday. I feel like every day is getting a little easier. For math today Emma made 2D shapes out of items found around the house. Working on her penguin habitat. She has all week to finish this one. Tonight it was time for dance class. Braden bought a window