The last time the girls and I went to the zoo was in June. I have no idea the last time Braden was there, but today was finally made it back with the whole family.
The last time the girls and I went to the zoo was in June. I have no idea the last time Braden was there, but today was finally made it back with the whole family.
After a very long fostering break we decided to jump back in. At the beginning of February we got Birdie. He was supposed to be a friendly cat that loved attention. Turns out he was a scaredy cat... literally. It took over a week, but he finally started to come
This was a first for us. An ice maze made of almost 3,000 blocks of ice. The girls had fun doing the maze over and over, but I think their favorite might have been the huge ice slide (and the hot chocolate).
Emma's friend had a roller skating birthday party yesterday. I don't think I've been inside a roller skating rink in almost 30 years. Not much has changed. 😂
FINALLY! Olivia was so bummed she had to miss the first one, so she has really been looking forward to tonight.
Once a month the girls school has a spirit day. This month it was dress fancy... and the girls did.
Up until a month ago the aquarium was our favorite place to go. Now the safari has taken the top spot. The place is a lot smaller than the aquarium, but they have a ton of animals you can hold and feed. Feeding the birds might be their favorite. Last
Tonight was the daddy daughter dance. Olivia has only been to the dance once with Emma, and tonight she was going to get to go with Braden by herself. Except... he tested positive for covid again last week. 😠She was a little upset, so instead I took her out to
Emma had another loose tooth. It had been bothering her so she was determined to get it out last night. She has the tiniest teeth ever. After it was out she proceeded to tell me how the tooth fairy brings some kids in her class $20 for a tooth. Say
We don't usually do weekends like this... but when a friend texted me last night asking if I wanted to spend the day at the Mall of America with the kids riding rides I couldn't turn it down. On the way home Olivia said "It
I just found out about a new place this week. The girls didn't have school today and it is freezing outside, so it was the perfect day to check it out. It is a pretty small place, but they have lots of cool animals. We ended up spending