
After traveling 2,225 miles over the last month, we finally made it to Oregon!

Our first day in Oregon ended with Olivia losing a tooth.

Our second day in Oregon ended with Olivia losing another tooth.

The girls were super excited about getting to Oregon to see their cousins. The last time these cousins saw each other was in 2018 when we went on a cruise together. It has been a long time.... and clearly Olivia hasn't changed much.

It may have been five years, but it didn't seem like it once they all got together. Our first couple days were filled with a ton of fun. The kids paddle boarded.

They raced Plasma Cars down the hill.

They rode rides at the county fair.

They watched the rodeo.

Most of the kids ended up going home from the rodeo early, but the four of us stayed until the very end. We had no idea at the time, but this would turn out to be our last outing for a while.

Right before we got home from the rodeo Olivia got sick. She mentioned a couple hours earlier that her belly hurt, but I just figured it was the corn dog and churro she ate.

One of her cousins got sick on the same night. The optimist in me was hoping it was the churro and elephant ear they ate at the fair from the same food truck. By the next day they seemed to be feeling better and I was hopeful my theory was correct since no one else was sick.

Apparently "night time is the right time"... because in the middle of the next night it was Emma's turn. My apologies to the churro and elephant ear food truck. They did not give anyone food poisoning because Emma had ice cream at the rodeo.

The family that has a stomach virus together, stays together. Literally... there were eleven of us staying in the house just waiting for the morning to find out who got sick in the middle of the night. One by one, every one got something. Some worse than others.

It took what felt like forever (it was really only five days), but finally everyone was feeling better and we could get out and have some fun!

Our main reason for coming to Oregon was to see family, but we also squeezed in some sightseeing along the way too.

Yesterday morning we said a teary goodbye and headed south down the Oregon coast towards California and onto the next half of our adventure.