
Ah Martinique. When we were stuck without engines this was the island we dreamed of getting to... and we're here! Our first morning in Martinique and we got a special delivery from our neighbor friends.

These baguettes didn't make it past lunchtime

We've been spending our days exploring, shopping, catching up with boat friends and swimming. Fun fact for Austin - Mount Pelée is an active volcano on the island.

We thought we saw a lot of rainbows in Grenada, but we've probably seen almost as many in Martinique.

Lots of boats stay in Martinique for a while. I can see why. There are malls. Real malls with sporting goods stores and aisles full of Legos! If there is anything you need you can probably get it in Martinique.

One of the other reasons to stay - the food (Nicole - this part is for you ❤️). Martinique is a French island, so of course there are boulangeries with baguettes and croissants. There are also foods we've never heard of. Probably our favorite new food - the bokit. These sandwiches are made with a fried bun and come with all different kinds of fillings.

After one visit this little restaurant became our favorite place for lunch. Emma even cried real tears one day when she found out Braden went with some friends and didn't take her. It is that good.

Our favorite - Le Boubou (veggies, steak, egg and bacon with pepper sauce)

There are grocery stores, and then there is this grocery store which Braden claimed to be the most amazing grocery store he's ever seen. We definitely are eating very well in Martinique.