little farmer's cay, bahamas

I research each island we might stop at and make a list of places to eat, interesting things to see and unique shops to visit. Little Farmer's Cay doesn't have a whole lot to do or see, but I did find JR's woodcarving shop while I was researching the island. The girls and I love to collect unique souvenirs to remember our travels, so we headed into town to see if we could find JR's with fingers crossed he was open on a Sunday.

JR has been woodcarving for over 50 years. Each piece is carved from wood he finds on the island and is the natural color of the wood. He talked to the girls about the whole process - he collects the wood, he carves the wood, it sits in the sun for weeks to dry out (he let us pick up some that were drying and they were HEAVY), after the wood is dried he adds a couple clear coats sanding in between each one, then they are ready.

I told him I wasn't sure he would be open, but he told us he is out woodcarving from 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM every day. We all picked out our piece and then JR carved the date and his initials into each one.

Olivia ended up with the burrowing owl and Emma picked out the mahi mahi.

I got the juvenile osprey.

After our trip to town it was time to move on to the next island. It was also the perfect weather for some laundry.