lee stocking island, bahamas

Our next stop after George Town was Lee Stocking Island. We went from being around hundreds of boats on a busy island with grocery stores and restaurants to being around less than 20 boats on a quiet island with only beaches and sandbars. Luckily we were traveling with some boat friends, so there are kids to keep the girls entertained and other adults for us to hang out with.

One of the highlights for the girls - the Bahamian rock iguanas. They are clearly used to humans and as soon as they saw the lettuce they came running.

This was also the perfect place to get in some water sports.

The Exumas in the Bahamas has over 365 islands and cays, which means there is a lot to see. All the islands are all fairly close together (within an hour or two), so after two days we pulled up the anchor and headed on our way to the next island.