slow going

We knew when we left there was still a lot of work to be done on the boat. There were some unfinished projects by the guys working on our boat. some boxes that still hadn't arrived and lots and lots of cleaning and organizing.

We booked a cottage for a week because we figured that was enough time to get everything finished. We didn't realize that Easter here is a pretty big holiday. Kids are out of school for a two week Easter break and lots of places close for a four day weekend. This delayed our plans a little bit. We extended our stay at the cottage and are making the most of it with a drive through Grenada's waterfront harbor and daily pool time.

Apparently the big thing all the locals do for Easter is go to the beach. While our boat isn't ready to go anywhere our dinghy is. Braden and the girls took it for a test run to make sure it is good to go to the nearby island for weekend festivities.

Today we took a break from boat work. Before we left Olivia saw a trailer for the Super Mario movie. She loves playing the Super Mario games, so she was pretty bummed when she realized we would be in Grenada when it came out. Turns out there is one movie theater on the island. That one movie theater happened to have the Super Mario movie... in 3D! Her smile says it all. ❤