hello again st. thomas

Taking the boat out of the water is always so much work, but putting the boat back in the water is just as much work. Days and days un-vacuum sealing all our clothes/sheets/towels/pillows with fingers crossed nothing is moldy or smelly, cleaning, trying to remember where we put things, putting the sails back on, restocking, testing everything to see if it still works, etc.

A bonus of being in Puerto Rico: Walmart, Costco, IKEA and a West Marine. This was the first time since we've had the boat that we started from a place with all these stores. I lost count of how many times we visited them, but it made the restocking part of moving back on to the boat a whole lot easier.

Being close to the stores was great, but we weren't really loving the area we were in (plus we had some friends in St. Thomas)... so we decided to head back to the US Virgin Islands for a little while.

We wasted no time visiting some of our usual places, and it kind of felt like we never left.

The girls wasted no time getting the hammock out (after we found where we stored it for the summer).

We're all getting to that point where we are ready to get to moving, but first we need fridge parts. Our fridge decided it wanted to extend it's summer vacation and won't turn on. We're trying to fix it before we get too far from a place where we can easily get parts. Hopefully that is soon (very soon)...