great mn get together

There is nothing like the Minnesota State Fair.
We decided to brave the rain this morning in hopes that everyone else decided to stay home.
They didn’t.
Our first stop on the way in - the butterflies. If it was just me and Braden we would have never gone in here. One year we took Emma because we knew she would love it. Now they beg to go, and we can’t get them out.
We managed to squeeze most of our favorite foods into one day - garlic fries,
chocolate chip cookies and of course, cheese curds.
Every year there are tons of new foods. We don’t always try them, but we couldn’t pass up trying the rainbow cloud roll. Ice cream wrapped in cotton candy and topped with fruity pebbles.
Today was Olivia’s lucky day. There were a bunch of rides just for her size. Hooray!
When we first got to the fair Olivia saw the skyride and wanted to do it. The whole 9 minute ride she kept saying “this is so fun” over and over again.
Emma got her fair share of rides in too.
Olivia ran out of steam not long after we ran out of ride tickets.
Emma did not.
That was it for the fair this year. We have to wait another year until we can do it all again!