goodbye for now st. john

Probably the most common question we get asked is what is your favorite place. It is a tough question to answer because they are all so different - some have great snorkeling, some have great beaches, some have great access to groceries/trash/restaurants, some have great food, etc.

If I had to pick an overall favorite - St. John is mine.

We thought we were done with St. John, but we managed to squeeze in one more trip. We spent lots of time at the beach, Braden caught dinner, watched Olivia's BFFs dance competition, did watersports, went out for Mother's Day brunch, did a little shopping and most importantly hung out with friends (I know I've mentioned it a bunch of times already, but friends make all the difference - especially when the parents are fun to hang out with too. We've gotten really lucky and met some really cool people in the last year out here on the water.).

Emma at the beach with her paddleboard
taking a break from breakfast to watch her BFF dance

Now it is time for us to move on. Lately we've wrestled with what to do with the boat for hurricane season. When we started out in October we thought we would be in the US for hurricane season. But somewhere along the way we decided we weren't going to and didn't want to make it all the way to the US just yet.

A lot of people take their boats to Grenada for hurricane season because it is usually safe from hurricanes, so we decided we would go back and leave the boat for the summer. We want to spend the majority of next fall/winter/spring in the Bahamas, so our plan was to fast track it through all the islands we did this season to get to the Bahamas for next season.

there were so many rainbows in Grenada

Then... as plans often do out here... our plans changed... again. Now we're 95% sure we're going to leave our boat in Puerto Rico for the summer. It is more risky than Grenada, but way more convenient. We're enjoying our last couple days in the USVI, then heading to the Spanish Virgin Islands!

By going to Puerto Rico we could visit St. John one last time.

(I know I've mentioned it a bunch of times already, but friends make all the difference - especially when the parents are cool too.)