distance learning: day 9

One of Emma's assignments today was to find 4 - 6 items around the house that she could trace to make different shapes. She used a bucket, a tiny mug, a measuring cup, a toy carrot, a toy banana and lipstick to come up with this unicorn picture.

Her writing assignment was to create a brochure for her room. I love that she included her vandy (vanity) and trofes (trophies).

Olivia had school today too... but she didn't want me to take any pictures. It was letter R day and she did some fun crafts. Maybe tomorrow she'll be in a picture taking mood.
After school was done we dyed Easter eggs. (Ignore the massive mess in the background!) This year we tried a kit that came with foam that you rolled the eggs around in. It seemed like a huge mess in the beginning, but the eggs came out really cool. We even ended up putting some in the foam after we dyed them the old fashioned way.

Emma was a little upset when I told her we were going to eventually peel and eat these eggs.