distance learning: day 36

Today was Superhero Thursday for virtual spirit week.
Emma's teacher hosted a virtual scavenger hunt with the whole class. From what I could hear from the kitchen it sounds like they all had a blast.
Emma had another meeting with her teacher and a couple other kids from her class. Every year the kindergarteners get to visit a 1st grade classroom and ask the 1st graders about 1st grade. Since they can't do that this year the kindergarteners wrote letters to the 1st graders. Emma's teacher chose her as one of the kids who gets to send in the answers to their questions.
We ended the day with a road trip! Every year we go to Duluth (3 hours north) for Memorial Day weekend. We were undecided about going this year since a lot of places are closed. When I got an email a couple weeks ago from the place we stay saying they were open we decided we'd still go.
It's usually cold, rainy and foggy when we're driving into Duluth. Not today! I don't think we've ever been able to see the city like this.