distance learning: day 12

We started the morning with rainbow waffles. I think the girls are just really interested in the whipped cream and sprinkles rather than the actual waffles.

Emma's math assignment today was to find 3D shapes around the house. This one kept her busy for a long time. We ended up having to narrow it down to these items to submit for her assignment.

Olivia was SUPER excited to have a video call with her class today. I'm sure you can imagine how this went with a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds. Today was letter S day, so they all got to share something with their friends. Olivia chose an umbrella.

Emma had to pick a PE assignment for today. She chose yoga. Today she got a really sweet email from her PE teacher. Emma replied with a bunch of pictures to show how she's been keeping active while she's been home - jungle gym climbing, bike riding, tree climbing, dance class and walking.

After school was done we baked some sprinkle cookies. Notice I organized the mess in the background? I had to bring in all the deck cushions since its been snowing every day for the last couple days. I didn't think it made sense to carry them all back out to the garage, so they're stacked up waiting until its warm enough to go back outside.... which is hopefully soon!

I went with spring and summer shaped cut outs.

It was a very busy day at our window bird feeder.