cross country

Emma loves running track. The track season is in the spring (April and May), and like most things it got cancelled this year. I got an email from the same club that organizes track saying it is time for cross country and this year Emma was old enough to do it. Emma went back and forth, couldn't decide and in the end said she would give it a try.

She has practice twice a week on the trail behind the high school. After the first practice she couldn't stop talking about how much she loved it. She probably spent 20 minutes at bedtime telling me all about it, then she asked if Braden could lay with her and spent 20 minutes telling him all about it.

She had been begging me to take her so she could show me the trail. Last weekend we left Olivia and Braden at home and went on the trail she runs at practice. It is .6 miles around a lake. The first week of practice she ran 2 laps (1.2 miles!). The second week she ran 3 laps (1.8  miles!).

In September she will have 2 (maybe 3) cross country meets against other clubs. Parents aren't allowed to stay for practices, so I can't wait to go watch her in her 1st meet!