cripple creek

One of the reasons I wanted to leave on Thursday was to make it to Donkey Derby Days. Donkey races. Food. Petting zoo. Donkey rides. Pretty much sounds like something we'd love... and did.
Doesn't matter where we are or what state we're in... these girls always find goats. 😂
This was a first... donkey rides.
After we were done with donkeys we went 1,000 feet down into a gold mine.
This was one of the coolest things ever. Half way through Emma whispered to me "this is so fun, can we do this again!?!"
I know someone else had a good time.
After all that we had to move the bus to a different campground. After getting all settled Braden said "this is the best campground we've ever been to"... and we've been to a lot of campgrounds.
Emma found this deer right behind our campsite, so pretty sure she thinks this is the coolest campground ever too.