book wall

Its been a while since there has been any discussion in our house about the book wall. On Saturday I mentioned it to Braden… and oIMG_17690/IMG_1769-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/10/IMG_1769.jpg)

The wood was routed, brackets attached and the shelves were hung on the wall. This picture cracked me up. Obviously Braden needed to test out the shelves by having at least one tIMG_17710/IMG_1771-1024x768.jpg)](/content/images/2013/10/IMG_1771.jpg)

Yesterday during Emma’s afternoon nap I managed to get the first coat of paint on the shelves. They just need one more coat and then the books can go up! Here’s hoping she takes another long nap today IMG_17790/IMG_1779-1024x768.jpg)](/content/images/2013/10/IMG_1779.jpg)