apostle islands 2021

We always plan at least one summer road trip on the bus. Last year we wanted to go to Michigan, but everything was shut down. This year we wanted to go to Yellowstone, but campsites are booking a year out with all the pandemic RV owners on the road. We planned another trip to Michigan instead, but those plans fell through at the last minute.
We still wanted to do a family trip this summer (with or without the bus), so Braden looked into chartering a sailboat in the Apostle Islands in Wisconsin... and here we are!

We had to scramble and do some quick research. It didn't take long for me to make Devil's Island my #1 island to see out of the 22 islands.

We couldn't leave until Monday morning, but we were able to spend Sunday night on the boat. As soon as our security check was done on Monday morning we were off. In typical fashion... Emma was super excited, Olivia was not so sure about this whole boat thing.

It was a long day of motoring and sailing through the islands, so we were very excited when we pulled up to see this.

By far the coolest island on our trip!

After visiting the caves we moved two islands over to spend the night anchored at South Twin Island.